Winter Wheat
Blaze (soft red winter wheat)
Blaze was first released in for the 2019/2020 season. It is a medium sized plant with great standability, winter survival and disease resistance. It is set to be a high yielding variety, with extra kernels on the end of the head, to bump up your yield. Blaze has strong disease resistance, especially to Fusarium. Customers are quite happy with their results from this past growing season. We will have a good supply of seed this year and Blaze will be the variety we are focusing on. Blaze is well adapted to a variety of soil types in our area.
Hilliard (soft red winter wheat)
Hilliard was also released for the 2019/2020 season. Hilliard is also a medium sized plant that stands well, with good survivability and disease resistance. Hilliard responds well to an intensive management program, with high soil fertility at planting, additional nitrogen applied in the spring and multiple passes of herbicide and fungicide applications. This variety will come up quick in the fall and take off early in the spring. Hilliard does well on all soil types, even heavy clays.
Cruze (soft red winter wheat)
Cruze is the third variety we will be offering this fall. It tends to prefer warmer zones, so it should be a good fit along the lakeshore and 401 corridor of our territory. Cruze grows best on loam soil and can handle either intensive or traditional management styles. It has strong winter survival and disease resistance, leading to pleasing yields.
If you are interested in other varieties, please do not hesitate to contact our Agronomy Sales via email at dfccagri@gmail.com.